Unit 104
9 occurrences in 6 verses
Ether 13:27,
Ether 14:19, 27, 28, 31,
Ether 15:10
Ether 13:27
And it came to pass that Coriantumr was exceedingly angry with Shared,
and he went against him with his armies to battle;
and they did meet in great anger,
and they did meet in the valley of Gilgal;
and the battle became exceedingly sore.
Ether 14:19
And it came to pass that the people began to flock together in armies,
throughout all the face of the land.
Ether 14:27
And so terrible was the destruction among the armies of Shiz
that the people began to be frightened,
and began to flee before the armies of Coriantumr;
and they fled to the land of Corihor,
and swept off the inhabitants before them,
all them that would not join them.
Ether 14:28
And they pitched their tents in the valley of Corihor;
and Coriantumr pitched his tents in the valley of Shurr.
Now the valley of Shurr was near the hill Comnor;
wherefore, Coriantumr did gather his armies together upon the hill Comnor,
and did sound a trumpet unto the armies of Shiz to invite them forth to battle.
Ether 14:31
Now the loss of men, women and children on both sides was so great
that Shiz commanded his people
that they should not pursue the armies of Coriantumr;
wherefore, they returned to their camp.
Ether 15:10
And it came to pass that
the armies of Coriantumr did press upon the armies of Shiz
that they beat them,
that they caused them to flee before them;
and they did flee southward,
and did pitch their tents in a place which was called Ogath.