Unit 104

Coriantumr in

4 occurrences in 4 verses

Ether 13:24, 31,

Ether 14:3, 16

Ether 13:24

And the sons of Coriantumr, in the fourth year, did beat Shared,

and did obtain the kingdom again unto their father.

Ether 13:31

And Shared wounded Coriantumr in his thigh,

that he did not go to battle again for the space of two years,

in which time all the people upon the face of the land

were shedding blood,

and there was none to restrain them.

Ether 14:3

And now, after the space of two years, and after the death of Shared,

behold, there arose the brother of Shared

and he gave battle unto Coriantumr,

in which Coriantumr did beat him

and did pursue him to the wilderness of Akish.

Ether 14:16

And when he had come to the plains of Agosh he gave battle unto Lib,

and he smote upon him until he died;

nevertheless, the brother of Lib did come against Coriantumr in the stead thereof,

and the battle became exceedingly sore,

in the which Coriantumr fled again before the army of the brother of Lib.