Unit 111
12 occurrences in 11 verses
Moroni 7:6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 36, 38, 42, 44
Moroni 7:6
For behold, God hath said
a man being evil cannot do that which is good;
for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God,
except he shall do it with real intent
it profiteth him nothing.
Moroni 7:8
For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift,
he doeth it grudgingly;
wherefore it is counted unto him the same
as if he had retained the gift;
wherefore he is counted evil before God.
Moroni 7:9
And likewise also is it counted evil unto a man,
if he shall pray and not with real intent of heart;
yea, and it profiteth him nothing,
for God receiveth none such.
Moroni 7:10
Wherefore, a man being evil cannot do that which is good;
neither will he give a good gift.
Moroni 7:11
For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water;
neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water;
wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ;
and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.
Moroni 7:16
For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man,
that he may know good from evil;
wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge;
for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ,
is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ;
wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
Moroni 7:17
But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil,
and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God,
then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil;
for after this manner doth the devil work,
for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one;
neither do his angels;
neither do they who subject themselves unto him.
Moroni 7:36
Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men?
Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them?
Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand,
or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved?
Moroni 7:38
For no man can be saved,
according to the words of Christ,
save they shall have faith in his name;
wherefore, if these things have ceased,
then has faith ceased also;
and awful is the state of man,
for they are as though there had been no redemption made.
Moroni 7:42
Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope;
for without faith there cannot be any hope.
Moroni 7:44
If so, his faith and hope is vain,
for none is acceptable before God,
save the meek and lowly in heart;
and if a man be meek and lowly in heart,
and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost
that Jesus is the Christ,
he must needs have charity;
for if he have not charity he is nothing;
wherefore he must needs have charity.