Unit 114
gifts of God
3 occurrences in 3 verses
Moroni 10:8, 24, 25
Moroni 10:8
And again, I exhort you, my brethren,
that ye deny not the gifts of God,
for they are many; and they come from the same God.
And there are different ways that these gifts are administered;
but it is the same God who worketh all in all;
and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God
unto men, to profit them.
Moroni 10:24
And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth —
that if the day cometh
that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you,
it shall be because of unbelief.
Moroni 10:25
And wo be unto the children of men if this be the case;
for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no not one.
For if there be one among you that doeth good,
he shall work by the power and gifts of God.