Unit 15
8 occurrences in 6 verses
2 Nephi 12:5, 12,
2 Nephi 13:5,
2 Nephi 14:1, 3,
2 Nephi 15:10
2 Nephi 12:5
O house of Jacob, come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord;
yea, come, for ye have all gone astray, every one to his wicked ways.
2 Nephi 12:12
For the day of the Lord of Hosts soon cometh upon all nations,
yea, upon every one; yea, upon the proud and lofty,
and upon every one who is lifted up,
and he shall be brought low.
2 Nephi 13:5
And the people shall be oppressed,
every one by another, and every one by his neighbor;
the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient,
and the base against the honorable.
2 Nephi 14:1
And in that day, seven women shall take hold of one man, saying:
We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel;
only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach.
2 Nephi 14:3
And it shall come to pass,
they that are left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem shall be called holy,
every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem —
2 Nephi 15:10
Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath,
and the seed of a homer shall yield an ephah.