Unit 29
to the
5 occurrences in 4 verses
Jarom 1:1, 10, 14, 15
Jarom 1:1
Now behold, I, Jarom, write a few words
according to the commandment of my father, Enos,
that our genealogy may be kept.
Jarom 1:10
And it came to pass that the prophets of the Lord
did threaten the people of Nephi, according to the word of God,
that if they did not keep the commandments, but should fall into transgression,
they should be destroyed from off the face of the land.
Jarom 1:14
And I, Jarom, do not write more,
for the plates are small.
But behold, my brethren, ye can go to the other plates of Nephi;
for behold, upon them the records of our wars are engraven,
according to the writings of the kings,
or those which they caused to be written.
Jarom 1:15
And I deliver these plates into the hands of my son Omni,
that they may be kept according to the commandments of my fathers.