Unit 30

and he

3 occurrences in 3 verses

Omni 1:9, 20, 21

Omni 1:9

Now I, Chemish, write what few things I write, in the same book with my brother;

for behold, I saw the last which he wrote,

that he wrote it with his own hand;

and he wrote it in the day that he delivered them unto me.

And after this manner we keep the records,

for it is according to the commandments of our fathers.

And I make an end.

Omni 1:20

And it came to pass in the days of Mosiah,

there was a large stone brought unto him with engravings on it;

and he did interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God.

Omni 1:21

And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people.

And Coriantumr was discovered by the people of Zarahemla;

and he dwelt with them for the space of nine moons.

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