Unit 45

to those

3 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 1:7, 25, 30

Alma 1:7

And it came to pass

as he was going, to preach to those who believed on his word,

he met a man who belonged to the church of God,

yea, even one of their teachers;

and he began to contend with him sharply,

that he might lead away the people of the church;

but the man withstood him,

admonishing him with the words of God.

Alma 1:25

Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith;

nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable

in keeping the commandments of God,

and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.

Alma 1:30

And thus, in their prosperous circumstances,

they did not send away any who were naked, or that were hungry,

or that were athirst, or that were sick, or that had not been nourished;

and they did not set their hearts upon riches;

therefore they were liberal to all,

both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female,

whether out of the church or in the church,

having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need.