Unit 45


26 occurrences in 23 verses

Alma 1:2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 29,

Alma 2:1, 2, 3, 9, 25, 30, 35,

Alma 3:8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 26, 27

Alma 1:2

And it came to pass that

in the first year of the reign of Alma in the judgment-seat,

there was a man brought before him to be judged,

a man who was large, and was noted for his much strength.

Alma 1:3

And he had gone about among the people,

preaching to them that which he termed to be the word of God,

bearing down against the church;

declaring unto the people

that every priest and teacher ought to become popular;

and they ought not to labor with their hands,

but that they ought to be supported by the people.

Alma 1:4

And he also testified unto the people

that all mankind should be saved at the last day,

and that they need not fear nor tremble,

but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice;

for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men;

and, in the end, all men should have eternal life.

Alma 1:6

And he began to be lifted up in the pride of his heart,

and to wear very costly apparel,

yea, and even began to establish a church after the manner of his preaching.

Alma 1:10

And the man who slew him was taken by the people of the church,

and was brought before Alma, to be judged

according to the crimes which he had committed.

Alma 1:12

But Alma said unto him:

Behold, this is the first time that priestcraft has been introduced among this people.

And behold, thou art not only guilty of priestcraft,

but hast endeavored to enforce it by the sword;

and were priestcraft to be enforced among this people

it would prove their entire destruction.

Alma 1:21

Now there was a strict law among the people of the church,

that there should not any man, belonging to the church,

arise and persecute those that did not belong to the church,

and that there should be no persecution among themselves.

Alma 1:22

Nevertheless, there were many among them who began to be proud,

and began to contend warmly with their adversaries, even unto blows;

yea, they would smite one another with their fists.

Alma 1:29

And now, because of the steadiness of the church

they began to be exceedingly rich,

having abundance of all things whatsoever they stood in need —

an abundance of flocks and herds, and fatlings of every kind,

and also abundance of grain, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious things,

and abundance of silk and fine-twined linen, and all manner of good homely cloth.

Alma 2:1

And it came to pass in the commencement of the fifth year of their reign

there began to be a contention among the people;

for a certain man, being called Amlici,

he being a very cunning man,

yea, a wise man as to the wisdom of the world,

he being after the order of the man that slew Gideon by the sword,

who was executed according to the law —

Alma 2:2

Now this Amlici had, by his cunning, drawn away much people after him;

even so much that they began to be very powerful;

and they began to endeavor to establish Amlici to be a king over the people.

Alma 2:3

Now this was alarming to the people of the church,

and also to all those who had not been drawn away after the persuasions of Amlici;

for they knew that according to their law

that such things must be established by the voice of the people.

Alma 2:9

And it came to pass that they gathered themselves together,

and did consecrate Amlici to be their king.

Alma 2:25

And they are upon our brethren in that land;

and they are fleeing before them

with their flocks, and their wives, and their children,

towards our city;

and except we make haste

they obtain possession of our city,

and our fathers, and our wives, and our children be slain.

Alma 2:30

And it came to pass that Alma, being a man of God,

being exercised with much faith,

cried, saying:

O Lord, have mercy and spare my life,

that I may be an instrument in thy hands to save and preserve this people.

Alma 2:35

And it came to pass that when they had all crossed the river Sidon

that the Lamanites and the Amlicites began to flee before them,

notwithstanding they were so numerous that they could not be numbered.

Alma 3:8

And this was done

that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren,

that thereby the Lord God might preserve his people,

that they might not mix and believe in incorrect traditions

which would prove their destruction.

Alma 3:10

Therefore, whosoever suffered himself to be led away by the Lamanites

was called under that head, and there was a mark set upon him.

Alma 3:14

Thus the word of God is fulfilled,

for these are the words which he said to Nephi:

Behold, the Lamanites have I cursed,

and I will set a mark on them

that they and their seed may be separated from thee and thy seed,

from this time henceforth and forever,

except they repent of their wickedness and turn to me

that I may have mercy upon them.

Alma 3:15

And again: I will set a mark upon him that mingleth his seed with thy brethren,

that they may be cursed also.

Alma 3:17

And again, I say

he that departeth from thee shall no more be called thy seed;

and I will bless thee,

and whomsoever shall be called thy seed, henceforth and forever;

and these were the promises of the Lord unto Nephi and to his seed.

Alma 3:26

And in one year were thousands and tens of thousands of souls

sent to the eternal world,

that they might reap their rewards according to their works,

whether they were good or whether they were bad,

to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery,

according to the spirit which they listed to obey,

whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

Alma 3:27

For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey,

and this according to the words of the spirit of prophecy;

therefore let it be according to the truth.

And thus endeth the fifth year of the reign of the judges.