Unit 47
and he
5 occurrences in 5 verses
Alma 5:3, 29, 33, 41, 60
Alma 5:3
I, Alma, having been consecrated by my father, Alma,
to be a high priest over the church of God,
he having power and authority from God to do these things,
behold, I say unto you
that he began to establish a church in the land
which was in the borders of Nephi;
yea, the land which was called the land of Mormon;
yea, and he did baptize his brethren in the waters of Mormon.
Alma 5:29
Behold, I say,
is there one among you who is not stripped of envy?
I say unto you that such an one is not prepared;
and I would that he should prepare quickly,
for the hour is close at hand,
and he knoweth not when the time shall come;
for such an one is not found guiltless.
Alma 5:33
Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men,
for the arms of mercy are extended towards them,
and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you.
Alma 5:41
Therefore, if a man bringeth forth good works
he hearkeneth unto the voice of the good shepherd,
and he doth follow him;
but whosoever bringeth forth evil works,
the same becometh a child of the devil,
for he hearkeneth unto his voice, and doth follow him.
Alma 5:60
And now I say unto you
that the good shepherd doth call after you;
and if you will hearken unto his voice
he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep;
and he commandeth you that ye suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you,
that ye may not be destroyed.