Unit 47

in the

22 occurrences in 17 verses

Alma 5:1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 24, 25, 37, 43, 49, 53, 54, 58, 61

Alma 5:1

Now it came to pass that

Alma began to deliver the word of God unto the people,

first in the land of Zarahemla, and from thence throughout all the land.

Alma 5:2

And these are the words which he spake to the people in the church

which was established in the city of Zarahemla,

according to his own record, saying:

Alma 5:3

I, Alma, having been consecrated by my father, Alma,

to be a high priest over the church of God,

he having power and authority from God to do these things,

behold, I say unto you

that he began to establish a church in the land

which was in the borders of Nephi;

yea, the land which was called the land of Mormon;

yea, and he did baptize his brethren in the waters of Mormon.

Alma 5:5

And behold, after that, they were brought into bondage

by the hands of the Lamanites in the wilderness;

yea, I say unto you, they were in captivity,

and again the Lord did deliver them out of bondage by the power of his word;

and we were brought into this land,

and here we began to establish the church of God throughout this land also.

Alma 5:7

Behold, he changed their hearts;

yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep,

and they awoke unto God.

Behold, they were in the midst of darkness;

nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word;

yea, they were encircled about by the bands of death, and the chains of hell,

and an everlasting destruction did await them.

Alma 5:11

Behold, I can tell you —

did not my father Alma believe in the words

which were delivered by the mouth of Abinadi?

And was he not a holy prophet?

Did he not speak the words of God, and my father Alma believe them?

Alma 5:13

And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers,

and a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts,

and they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God.

And behold, they were faithful until the end;

therefore they were saved.

Alma 5:15

Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you?

Do you look forward with an eye of faith,

and view this mortal body raised in immortality,

and this corruption raised in incorruption,

to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds

which have been done in the mortal body?

Alma 5:24

Behold, my brethren, do ye suppose

that such an one can have a place to sit down in the kingdom of God,

with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, and also all the holy prophets,

whose garments are cleansed and are spotless, pure and white?

Alma 5:25

I say unto you,

Nay; except ye make our Creator a liar from the beginning,

or suppose that he is a liar from the beginning,

ye cannot suppose

that such can have place in the kingdom of heaven;

but they shall be cast out

for they are the children of the kingdom of the devil.

Alma 5:37

O ye workers of iniquity;

ye that are puffed up in the vain things of the world,

ye that have professed to have known the ways of righteousness

nevertheless have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd,

notwithstanding a shepherd hath called after you

and is still calling after you,

but ye will not hearken unto his voice!

Alma 5:43

And now, my brethren, I would that ye should hear me,

for I speak in the energy of my soul;

for behold, I have spoken unto you plainly

that ye cannot err,

or have spoken according to the commandments of God.

Alma 5:49

And now I say unto you

that this is the order after which I am called,

yea, to preach unto my beloved brethren,

yea, and every one that dwelleth in the land;

yea, to preach unto all,

both old and young, both bond and free;

yea, I say unto you

the aged, and also the middle aged, and the rising generation;

yea, to cry unto them that they must repent and be born again.

Alma 5:53

And now my beloved brethren, I say unto you,

can ye withstand these sayings;

yea, can ye lay aside these things,

and trample the Holy One under your feet;

yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts;

yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel

and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?

Alma 5:54

Yea, will ye persist in supposing that ye are better one than another;

yea, will ye persist in the persecution of your brethren,

who humble themselves and do walk after the holy order of God,

wherewith they have been brought into this church,

having been sanctified by the Holy Spirit,

and they do bring forth works which are meet for repentance —

Alma 5:58

For the names of the righteous shall be written in the book of life,

and unto them will I grant an inheritance at my right hand.

And now, my brethren, what have ye to say against this?

I say unto you,

if ye speak against it, it matters not,

for the word of God must be fulfilled.

Alma 5:61

And now I, Alma, do command you

in the language of him who hath commanded me,

that ye observe to do the words which I have spoken unto you.