Unit 52


3 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 10:14,

Alma 11:21, 25

Alma 10:14

Now it was those men who sought to destroy them,

who were lawyers, who were hired or appointed by the people

to administer the law at their times of trials,

or at the trials of the crimes of the people before the judges.

Alma 11:21

And this Zeezrom began to question Amulek, saying:

Will ye answer me a few questions which I shall ask you?

Now Zeezrom was a man who was expert in the devices of the devil,

that he might destroy that which was good;

therefore, he said unto Amulek:

Will ye answer the questions which I shall put unto you?

Alma 11:25

And now thou hast lied before God unto me.

Thou saidst unto me —

Behold these six onties, which are of great worth,

I will give unto thee —

when thou hadst it in thy heart to retain them from me;

and it was only thy desire that I should deny the true and living God,

that thou mightest have cause to destroy me.

And now behold, for this great evil thou shalt have thy reward.