Unit 53


4 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 13:2, 3, 8

Alma 13:2

And those priests were ordained after the order of his Son,

in a manner that thereby the people might know

in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption.

Alma 13:3

And this is the manner after which they were ordained —

being called and prepared from the foundation of the world

according to the foreknowledge of God,

on account of their exceeding faith and good works;

in the first place being left to choose good or evil;

therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith,

are called with a holy calling,

yea, with that holy calling which was prepared

with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such.

Alma 13:8

Now they were ordained after this manner

being called with a holy calling, and ordained with a holy ordinance,

and taking upon them the high priesthood of the holy order,

which calling, and ordinance, and high priesthood, is without beginning or end —