Unit 54


19 occurrences in 12 verses

Alma 13:14, 16, 19, 26,

Alma 14:7, 11, 17,

Alma 15:4, 5, 6, 10, 18

Alma 13:14

Yea, humble yourselves even as the people in the days of Melchizedek,

who was also a high priest after this same order which I have spoken,

who also took upon him the high priesthood forever.

Alma 13:16

Now these ordinances were given after this manner,

that thereby the people might look forward on the Son of God,

it being a type of his order, or it being his order,

and this that they might look forward to him for a remission of their sins,

that they might enter into the rest of the Lord.

Alma 13:19

Now, there were many before him,

and also there were many afterwards,

but none were greater;

therefore, of him they have more particularly made mention.

Alma 13:26

And it shall be made known unto just and holy men,

by the mouth of angels, at the time of his coming,

that the words of our fathers may be fulfilled,

according to that which they have spoken concerning him,

which was according to the spirit of prophecy which was in them.

Alma 14:7

And it came to pass that he began to cry unto the people, saying:

Behold, I am guilty, and these men are spotless before God.

And he began to plead for them from that time forth;

but they reviled him, saying:

Art thou also possessed with the devil?

And they spit upon him,

and cast him out from among them,

and also all those who believed in the words

which had been spoken by Alma and Amulek;

and they cast them out, and sent men to cast stones at them.

Alma 14:11

But Alma said unto him:

The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand;

for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory;

and he doth suffer that they may do this thing,

or that the people may do this thing unto them,

according to the hardness of their hearts,

that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just;

and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them,

yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.

Alma 14:17

And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek answered him nothing;

and he smote them again,

and delivered them to the officers to be cast into prison.

Alma 15:4

Now, when he heard that Alma and Amulek were in the land of Sidom,

his heart began to take courage;

and he sent a message immediately unto them,

desiring them to come unto him.

Alma 15:5

And it came to pass that they went immediately,

obeying the message which he had sent unto them;

and they went in unto the house unto Zeezrom;

and they found him upon his bed, sick,

being very low with a burning fever;

and his mind also was exceedingly sore because of his iniquities;

and when he saw them he stretched forth his hand,

and besought them that they would heal him.

Alma 15:6

And it came to pass that Alma said unto him, taking him by the hand:

Believest thou in the power of Christ unto salvation?

Alma 15:10

And then Alma cried unto the Lord, saying:

O Lord our God, have mercy on this man, and heal him

according to his faith which is in Christ.

Alma 15:18

Now as I said,

Alma having seen all these things,

therefore he took Amulek and came over to the land of Zarahemla,

and took him to his own house,

and did administer unto him in his tribulations,

and strengthened him in the Lord.