Unit 56

it were

6 occurrences in 6 verses

Alma 17:9, 22, 38,

Alma 18:21,

Alma 19:16,

Alma 20:17

Alma 17:9

And it came to pass that they journeyed many days in the wilderness,

and they fasted much and prayed much

that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit

to go with them, and abide with them,

that they might be an instrument in the hands of God

to bring, if it were possible, their brethren, the Lamanites,

to the knowledge of the truth,

to the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers,

which were not correct.

Alma 17:22

And the king inquired of Ammon

if it were his desire to dwell in the land

among the Lamanites, or among his people.

Alma 17:38

Now six of them had fallen by the sling,

but he slew none save it were their leader with his sword;

and he smote off as many of their arms as were lifted against him,

and they were not a few.

Alma 18:21

And now, if thou wilt tell me concerning these things,

whatsoever thou desirest I will give unto thee;

and if it were needed, I would guard thee with my armies;

but I know that thou art more powerful than all they;

nevertheless, whatsoever thou desirest of me

I will grant it unto thee.

Alma 19:16

And it came to pass that they did call on the name of the Lord, in their might,

even until they had all fallen to the earth,

save it were one of the Lamanitish women, whose name was Abish,

she having been converted unto the Lord for many years,

on account of a remarkable vision of her father —

Alma 20:17

But Ammon stood forth and said unto him:

Behold, thou shalt not slay thy son;

nevertheless, it were better that he should fall than thee,

for behold, he has repented of his sins;

but if thou shouldst fall at this time, in thine anger,

thy soul could not be saved.