Unit 58

and his brethren and

2 occurrences in 2 verses

Alma 24:5,

Alma 25:8

Alma 24:5

Now when Ammon and his brethren and all those who had come up with him

saw the preparations of the Lamanites to destroy their brethren,

they came forth to the land of Midian,

and there Ammon met all his brethren;

and from thence they came to the land of Ishmael

that they might hold a council with Lamoni

and also with his brother Anti-Nephi-Lehi,

what they should do to defend themselves against the Lamanites.

Alma 25:8

Now this martyrdom caused

that many of their brethren should be stirred up to anger;

and there began to be contention in the wilderness;

and the Lamanites began to hunt the seed of Amulon and his brethren

and began to slay them;

and they fled into the east wilderness.