Unit 60
I say unto you that
3 occurrences in 3 verses
Alma 30:40,
Alma 32:20,
Alma 34:8
Alma 30:40
And now what evidence have ye that there is no God, or that Christ cometh not?
I say unto you that ye have none, save it be your word only.
Alma 32:20
Now of this thing ye must judge.
Behold, I say unto you, that it is on the one hand even as it is on the other;
and it shall be unto every man according to his work.
Alma 34:8
And now, behold, I will testify unto you of myself that these things are true.
Behold, I say unto you, that I do know
that Christ shall come among the children of men,
to take upon him the transgressions of his people,
and that he shall atone for the sins of the world;
for the Lord God hath spoken it.