Unit 60


9 occurrences in 9 verses

Alma 30:33,

Alma 31:12, 13, 37,

Alma 32:5, 20,

Alma 33:1,

Alma 34:41,

Alma 35:16

Alma 30:33

And notwithstanding the many labors which I have performed in the church,

I have never received so much as even one senine for my labor;

neither has any of my brethren,

save it were in the judgment-seat;

and then we have received only according to law for our time.

Alma 31:12

Now, when they had come into the land,

behold, to their astonishment they found that the Zoramites had built synagogues,

and that they did gather themselves together on one day of the week,

which day they did call the day of the Lord;

and they did worship after a manner

which Alma and his brethren had never beheld;

Alma 31:13

For they had a place built up in the center of their synagogue,

a place for standing, which was high above the head;

and the top thereof would only admit one person.

Alma 31:37

And after that they did separate themselves one from another,

taking no thought for themselves what they should eat,

or what they should drink, or what they should put on.

Alma 32:5

And they came unto Alma;

and the one who was the foremost among them said unto him:

Behold, what shall these my brethren do,

for they are despised of all men because of their poverty,

yea, and more especially by our priests;

for they have cast us out of our synagogues

which we have labored abundantly to build with our own hands;

and they have cast us out because of our exceeding poverty;

and we have no place to worship our God; and behold, what shall we do?

Alma 32:20

Now of this thing ye must judge.

Behold, I say unto you, that it is on the one hand even as it is on the other;

and it shall be unto every man according to his work.

Alma 33:1

Now after Alma had spoken these words,

they sent forth unto him desiring to know

whether they should believe in one God,

that they might obtain this fruit of which he had spoken,

or how they should plant the seed, or the word of which he had spoken,

which he said must be planted in their hearts;

or in what manner they should begin to exercise their faith.

Alma 34:41

But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions,

with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions.

Alma 35:16

Therefore, he caused that his sons should be gathered together,

that he might give unto them every one his charge, separately,

concerning the things pertaining unto righteousness.

And we have an account of his commandments, which he gave unto them

according to his own record.