Unit 63
behold I say unto you
5 occurrences in 5 verses
Alma 39:15, 17,
Alma 40:2, 18,
Alma 41:10
Alma 39:15
And now, my son, I would say somewhat unto you concerning the coming of Christ.
Behold, I say unto you,
that it is he that surely shall come to take away the sins of the world;
yea, he cometh to declare glad tidings of salvation unto his people.
Alma 39:17
And now I will ease your mind somewhat on this subject.
Behold, you marvel why these things should be known so long beforehand.
Behold, I say unto you,
is not a soul at this time as precious unto God
as a soul will be at the time of his coming?
Alma 40:2
Behold, I say unto you, that there is no resurrection —
or, I would say, in other words,
that this mortal does not put on immortality,
this corruption does not put on incorruption —
until after the coming of Christ.
Alma 40:18
Behold, I say unto you, Nay;
but it meaneth the reuniting of the soul with the body,
of those from the days of Adam down to the resurrection of Christ.
Alma 41:10
Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration,
that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness.
Behold, I say unto you,
wickedness never was happiness.