Unit 63
6 occurrences in 6 verses
Alma 39:7, 11,
Alma 42:5, 8, 26, 31
Alma 39:7
And now, my son, I would to God that ye had not been guilty of so great a crime.
I would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul,
if it were not for your good.
Alma 39:11
Suffer not yourself to be led away by any vain or foolish thing;
suffer not the devil to lead away your heart again after those wicked harlots.
Behold, O my son, how great iniquity ye brought upon the Zoramites;
for when they saw your conduct
they would not believe in my words.
Alma 42:5
For behold, if Adam had put forth his hand immediately,
and partaken of the tree of life,
he would have lived forever, according to the word of God,
having no space for repentance;
yea, and also the word of God would have been void,
and the great plan of salvation would have been frustrated.
Alma 42:8
Now behold, it was not expedient
that man should be reclaimed from this temporal death,
for that would destroy the great plan of happiness.
Alma 42:26
And thus God bringeth about his great and eternal purposes,
which were prepared from the foundation of the world.
And thus cometh about the salvation and the redemption of men,
and also their destruction and misery.
Alma 42:31
And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people.
And now, my son, go thy way,
declare the word with truth and soberness,
that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance,
that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them.
And may God grant unto you even according to my words.