Unit 64


9 occurrences in 9 verses

Alma 43:14, 39, 43, 47, 50, 52,

Alma 44:12, 14, 18

Alma 43:14

Now those descendants were as numerous, nearly, as were the Nephites;

and thus the Nephites were obliged to contend with their brethren,

even unto bloodshed.

Alma 43:39

And it came to pass that the Lamanites became frightened,

because of the great destruction among them,

even until they began to flee towards the river Sidon.

Alma 43:43

Now in this case the Lamanites did fight exceedingly;

yea, never had the Lamanites been known

to fight with such exceedingly great strength and courage,

no, not even from the beginning.

Alma 43:47

And again, the Lord has said

that: Ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed.

Therefore for this cause were the Nephites contending with the Lamanites,

to defend themselves, and their families, and their lands,

their country, and their rights, and their religion.

Alma 43:50

And they began to stand against the Lamanites with power;

and in that selfsame hour that they cried unto the Lord for their freedom,

the Lamanites began to flee before them;

and they fled even to the waters of Sidon.

Alma 43:52

Therefore the armies of Moroni encircled them about,

yea, even on both sides of the river,

for behold, on the east were the men of Lehi.

Alma 44:12

And now when Moroni had said these words,

Zerahemnah retained his sword,

and he was angry with Moroni,

and he rushed forward that he might slay Moroni;

but as he raised his sword,

behold, one of Moroni's soldiers smote it even to the earth,

and it broke by the hilt;

and he also smote Zerahemnah

that he took off his scalp and it fell to the earth.

And Zerahemnah withdrew from before them into the midst of his soldiers.

Alma 44:14

even as this scalp has fallen to the earth,

which is the scalp of your chief,

so shall ye fall to the earth

except ye will deliver up your weapons of war

and depart with a covenant of peace.

Alma 44:18

But behold, their naked skins and their bare heads were exposed

to the sharp swords of the Nephites;

yea, behold they were pierced and smitten,

yea, and did fall exceedingly fast before the swords of the Nephites;

and they began to be swept down,

even as the soldier of Moroni had prophesied.