Unit 65
the Nephites to
3 occurrences in 3 verses
Alma 46:34,
Alma 47:21,
Alma 49:21
Alma 46:34
Now, Moroni being a man
who was appointed by the chief judges and the voice of the people,
therefore he had power according to his will
with the armies of the Nephites,
to establish and to exercise authority over them.
Alma 47:21
And the king came out to meet him with his guards,
for he supposed that Amalickiah had fulfilled his commands,
and that Amalickiah had gathered together so great an army
to go against the Nephites to battle.
Alma 49:21
And it came to pass that
the captains of the Lamanites brought up their armies
before the place of entrance,
and began to contend with the Nephites,
to get into their place of security;
but behold, they were driven back from time to time,
insomuch that they were slain with an immense slaughter.