Unit 68
part of
6 occurrences in 5 verses
Alma 52:13, 24, 26,
Alma 53:2, 8
Alma 52:13
And thus he was endeavoring to harass the Nephites,
and to draw away a part of their forces to that part of the land,
while he had commanded those whom he had left
to possess the cities which he had taken,
that they should also harass the Nephites on the borders by the east sea,
and should take possession of their lands
as much as it was in their power,
according to the power of their armies.
Alma 52:24
And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that he began to flee,
they took courage and pursued them with vigor.
And while Teancum was thus leading away the Lamanites
who were pursuing them in vain,
behold, Moroni commanded that a part of his army who were with him
should march forth into the city, and take possession of it.
Alma 52:26
And thus Moroni had obtained possession of the city Mulek
with a part of his army,
while he marched with the remainder to meet the Lamanites
when they should return from the pursuit of Teancum.
Alma 53:2
And Moroni went to the city of Mulek with Lehi,
and took command of the city and gave it unto Lehi.
Now behold, this Lehi was a man who had been with Moroni
in the more part of all his battles;
and he was a man like unto Moroni,
and they rejoiced in each other's safety;
yea, they were beloved by each other,
and also beloved by all the people of Nephi.
Alma 53:8
And now it came to pass that the armies of the Lamanites, on the west sea, south,
while in the absence of Moroni
on account of some intrigue amongst the Nephites,
which caused dissensions amongst them,
had gained some ground over the Nephites,
yea, insomuch that they had obtained possession
of a number of their cities in that part of the land.