Unit 68

that he

16 occurrences in 12 verses

Alma 52:4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24,

Alma 53:7

Alma 52:4

And it came to pass that

he did command that his people should maintain those cities,

which they had taken by the shedding of blood;

for they had not taken any cities save they had lost much blood.

Alma 52:5

And now, Teancum saw that the Lamanites were determined

to maintain those cities which they had taken,

and those parts of the land which they had obtained possession of;

and also seeing the enormity of their number,

Teancum thought it was not expedient

that he should attempt to attack them in their forts.

Alma 52:7

And it came to pass that he kept thus preparing for war

until Moroni had sent a large number of men to strengthen his army.

Alma 52:8

And Moroni also sent orders unto him

that he should retain all the prisoners who fell into his hands;

for as the Lamanites had taken many prisoners,

that he should retain all the prisoners of the Lamanites

as a ransom for those whom the Lamanites had taken.

Alma 52:9

And he also sent orders unto him that he should fortify the land Bountiful,

and secure the narrow pass which led into the land northward,

lest the Lamanites should obtain that point

and should have power to harass them on every side.

Alma 52:10

And Moroni also sent unto him, desiring him

that he would be faithful in maintaining that quarter of the land,

and that he would seek every opportunity

to scourge the Lamanites in that quarter, as much as was in his power,

that perhaps he might take again by stratagem or some other way

those cities which had been taken out of their hands;

and that he also would fortify and strengthen the cities round about,

which had not fallen into the hands of the Lamanites.

Alma 52:15

But behold, it came to pass

in the twenty and seventh year of the reign of the judges,

that Teancum, by the command of Moroni —

who had established armies to protect the south and the west borders of the land,

and had begun his march towards the land Bountiful,

that he might assist Teancum with his men

in retaking the cities which they had lost —

Alma 52:17

And it came to pass that Teancum made preparations

to make an attack upon the city of Mulek,

and march forth with his army against the Lamanites;

but he saw that it was impossible that he could overpower them

while they were in their fortifications;

therefore he abandoned his designs

and returned again to the city Bountiful,

to wait for the coming of Moroni,

that he might receive strength to his army.

Alma 52:20

And it came to pass they sent embassies to the army of the Lamanites,

which protected the city of Mulek,

to their leader, whose name was Jacob,

desiring him that he would come out with his armies

to meet them upon the plains between the two cities.

But behold, Jacob, who was a Zoramite, would not come out

with his army to meet them upon the plains.

Alma 52:21

And it came to pass that Moroni, h

aving no hopes of meeting them upon fair grounds,

therefore, he resolved upon a plan

that he might decoy the Lamanites out of their strongholds.

Alma 52:24

And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that he began to flee,

they took courage and pursued them with vigor.

And while Teancum was thus leading away the Lamanites

who were pursuing them in vain,

behold, Moroni commanded that a part of his army who were with him

should march forth into the city, and take possession of it.

Alma 53:7

And it came to pass that

he did no more attempt a battle with the Lamanites in that year,

but he did employ his men in preparing for war,

yea, and in making fortifications to guard against the Lamanites,

yea, and also delivering their women and their children from famine and affliction,

and providing food for their armies.