Unit 69


3 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 54:7, 24,

Alma 55:13

Alma 54:7

Yea, I would tell you these things

if ye were capable of hearkening unto them;

yea, I would tell you concerning that awful hell

that awaits to receive such murderers as thou and thy brother have been,

except ye repent and withdraw your murderous purposes,

and return with your armies to your own lands.

Alma 54:24

And behold now, I am a bold Lamanite;

behold, this war hath been waged to avenge their wrongs,

and to maintain and to obtain their rights to the government;

and I close my epistle to Moroni.

Alma 55:13

And it came to pass that they did take of the wine freely;

and it was pleasant to their taste,

therefore they took of it more freely;

and it was strong, having been prepared in its strength.