Unit 69

and now it came to pass

3 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 54:1,

Alma 55:4, 33

Alma 54:1

and now it came to pass

in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year of the judges,

that Ammoron sent unto Moroni desiring that he would exchange prisoners.

Alma 55:4

and now it came to pass that when Moroni had said these words,

he caused that a search should be made among his men,

that perhaps he might find a man

who was a descendant of Laman among them.

Alma 55:33

and now it came to pass that it was expedient

for Moroni to make preparations to attack the city Morianton;

for behold, the Lamanites had, by their labors, fortified the city Morianton

until it had become an exceeding stronghold.