Unit 70
us which
2 occurrences in 2 verses
Alma 57:9,
Alma 58:41
Alma 57:9
And it came to pass that we did camp round about the city for many nights;
but we did sleep upon our swords, and keep guards,
that the Lamanites could not come upon us by night and slay us,
which they attempted many times;
but as many times as they attempted this their blood was spilt.
Alma 58:41
And now, my beloved brother, Moroni,
may the Lord our God,
who has redeemed us and made us free,
keep you continually in his presence;
yea, and may he favor this people,
even that ye may have success in obtaining the possession
of all that which the Lamanites have taken from us,
which was for our support.
And now, behold, I close mine epistle.
I am Helaman, the son of Alma.