Unit 70


3 occurrences in 3 verses

Alma 58:3, 4, 7

Alma 58:3

Yea, and it became expedient

that we should employ our men to the maintaining those parts of the land

which we had regained of our possessions;

therefore it became expedient that we should wait,

that we might receive more strength from the land of Zarahemla

and also a new supply of provisions.

Alma 58:4

And it came to pass that

I thus did send an embassy to the governor of our land,

to acquaint him concerning the affairs of our people.

And it came to pass that we did wait

to receive provisions and strength from the land of Zarahemla.

Alma 58:7

And it came to pass that we did wait in these difficult circumstances

for the space of many months,

even until we were about to perish for the want of food.