Unit 73

over the

6 occurrences in 6 verses

Alma 62:3, 11, 12, 36, 39, 52

Alma 62:3

And it came to pass that Moroni took a small number of men,

according to the desire of Pahoran,

and gave Lehi and Teancum command over the remainder of his army,

and took his march towards the land of Gideon.

Alma 62:11

And thus ended the thirtieth year

of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi;

Moroni and Pahoran having restored peace

to the land of Zarahemla, among their own people,

having inflicted death upon all those who were not true to the cause of freedom.

Alma 62:12

And it came to pass in the commencement of the thirty and first year

of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi,

Moroni immediately caused that provisions should be sent,

and also an army of six thousand men should be sent unto Helaman,

to assist him in preserving that part of the land.

Alma 62:36

And it came to pass that

Teancum in his anger did go forth into the camp of the Lamanites,

and did let himself down over the walls of the city.

And he went forth with a cord, from place to place,

insomuch that he did find the king;

and he did cast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart.

But behold, the king did awaken his servants before he died,

insomuch that they did pursue Teancum, and slew him.

Alma 62:39

And thus ended the thirty and first year

of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi;

and thus they had had wars, and bloodsheds, and famine, and affliction,

for the space of many years.

Alma 62:52

And it came to pass that all these things were done.

And Helaman died, in the thirty and fifth year

of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi.