Unit 75


7 occurrences in 7 verses

Helaman 1:3, 16, 30,

Helaman 2:3, 4, 5, 8

Helaman 1:3

Now these are their names who did contend for the judgment–seat,

who did also cause the people to contend:

Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni.

Helaman 1:16

Therefore, the king of the Lamanites,

whose name was Tubaloth, who was the son of Ammoron,

supposing that Coriantumr,

being a mighty man,

could stand against the Nephites,

with his strength and also with his great wisdom,

insomuch that by sending him forth he should gain power over the Nephites—

Helaman 1:30

And it came to pass that Moronihah did head them in their retreat,

and did give unto them battle,

insomuch that it became an exceedingly bloody battle;

yea, many were slain,

and among the number who were slain Coriantumr was also found.

Helaman 2:3

But behold, Kishkumen, who had murdered Pahoran,

did lay wait to destroy Helaman also;

and he was upheld by his band,

who had entered into a covenant

that no one should know his wickedness.

Helaman 2:4

For there was one Gadianton, who was exceedingly expert

in many words, and also in his craft,

to carry on the secret work of murder and of robbery;

therefore he became the leader of the band of Kishkumen.

Helaman 2:5

Therefore he did flatter them, and also Kishkumen,

that if they would place him in the judgment–seat

he would grant unto those who belonged to his band

that they should be placed in power and authority among the people;

therefore Kishkumen sought to destroy Helaman.

Helaman 2:8

And when the servant of Helaman had known all the heart of Kishkumen,

and how that it was his object to murder,

and also that it was the object of all those who belonged to his band

to murder, and to rob, and to gain power,

(and this was their secret plan, and their combination)

the servant of Helaman said unto Kishkumen:

Let us go forth unto the judgment–seat.