Unit 75
that they
11 occurrences in 11 verses
Helaman 1:11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 26, 29, 32,
Helaman 2:5, 10
Helaman 1:11
And he went unto those that sent him,
and they all entered into a covenant,
yea, swearing by their everlasting Maker,
that they would tell no man that Kishkumen had murdered Pahoran.
Helaman 1:12
Therefore, Kishkumen was not known among the people of Nephi,
for he was in disguise at the time that he murdered Pahoran.
And Kishkumen and his band, who had covenanted with him,
did mingle themselves among the people,
in a manner that they all could not be found;
but as many as were found were condemned unto death.
Helaman 1:15
And they came down again that they might pitch battle against the Nephites.
And they were led by a man whose name was Coriantumr;
and he was a descendant of Zarahemla;
and he was a dissenter from among the Nephites;
and he was a large and a mighty man.
Helaman 1:17
Therefore he did stir them up to anger,
and he did gather together his armies,
and he did appoint Coriantumr to be their leader,
and did cause that they should march down to the land of Zarahemla
to battle against the Nephites.
Helaman 1:18
And it came to pass that
because of so much contention and so much difficulty in the government,
that they had not kept sufficient guards in the land of Zarahemla;
for they had supposed that the Lamanites durst not come
into the heart of their lands to attack that great city Zarahemla.
Helaman 1:20
Therefore Coriantumr did cut down the watch by the entrance of the city,
and did march forth with his whole army into the city,
and they did slay every one who did oppose them,
insomuch that they did take possession of the whole city.
Helaman 1:26
For behold, Moronihah had supposed
that the Lamanites durst not come into the center of the land,
but that they would attack the cities round about in the borders
as they had hitherto done;
therefore Moronihah had caused
that their strong armies should maintain those parts round about by the borders.
Helaman 1:29
And thus he did; and he did head them before they came to the land Bountiful,
and gave unto them battle,
insomuch that they began to retreat back towards the land of Zarahemla.
Helaman 1:32
And thus had Coriantumr plunged the Lamanites into the midst of the Nephites,
insomuch that they were in the power of the Nephites,
and he himself was slain,
and the Lamanites did yield themselves into the hands of the Nephites.
Helaman 2:5
Therefore he did flatter them, and also Kishkumen,
that if they would place him in the judgment–seat
he would grant unto those who belonged to his band
that they should be placed in power and authority among the people;
therefore Kishkumen sought to destroy Helaman.
Helaman 2:10
And it came to pass that Helaman did send forth
to take this band of robbers and secret murderers,
that they might be executed according to the law.