Unit 77

against Nephi

3 occurrences in 3 verses

Helaman 8:7,

Helaman 9:16, 18

Helaman 8:7

And it came to pass that

thus they did stir up the people to anger against Nephi,

and raised contentions among them;

for there were some who did cry out:

Let this man alone, for he is a good man,

and those things which he saith will surely come to pass except we repent;

Helaman 9:16

And now it came to pass that

the judges did expound the matter unto the people,

and did cry out against Nephi, saying:

Behold, we know that this Nephi must have agreed

with some one to slay the judge,

and then he might declare it unto us,

that he might convert us unto his faith,

that he might raise himself to be a great man,

chosen of God, and a prophet.

Helaman 9:18

And it came to pass that the five were liberated on the day of the burial.

Nevertheless, they did rebuke the judges

in the words which they had spoken against Nephi,

and did contend with them one by one,

insomuch that they did confound them.