Unit 77

and it came to pass that they

5 occurrences in 5 verses

Helaman 9:3, 9, 12, 37,

Helaman 10:18

Helaman 9:3

and it came to pass that they ran in their might,

and came in unto the judgment–seat;

and behold, the chief judge had fallen to the earth,

and did lie in his blood.

Helaman 9:9

and it came to pass that they laid hold on them,

and bound them and cast them into prison.

And there was a proclamation sent abroad

that the judge was slain,

and that the murderers had been taken and were cast into prison.

Helaman 9:12

and it came to pass that they inquired among the people, saying:

Where are the five who were sent to inquire concerning the chief judge

whether he was dead?

And they answered and said:

Concerning this five whom ye say ye have sent, we know not;

but there are five who are the murderers,

whom we have cast into prison.

Helaman 9:37

and it came to pass that they went

and did, even according as Nephi had said unto them.

And behold, the words which he had said were true;

for according to the words he did deny;

and also according to the words he did confess.

Helaman 10:18

and it came to pass that they would not hearken unto his words;

and there began to be contentions,

insomuch that they were divided against themselves

and began to slay one another with the sword.