Unit 77


59 occurrences in 32 verses

Helaman 7:9, 19, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29,

Helaman 8:5, 8, 12, 14, 24,

Helaman 9:17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,

Helaman 10:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14

Helaman 7:9

But behold, I am consigned that these are my days,

and that my soul shall be filled with sorrow

because of this the wickedness of my brethren.

Helaman 7:19

And behold, instead of gathering you,

except ye will repent,

behold, he shall scatter you forth

that ye shall become meat for dogs and wild beasts.

Helaman 7:22

And for this cause

wo shall come unto you except ye shall repent.

For if ye will not repent,

behold, this great city,

and also all those great cities which are round about,

which are in the land of our possession,

shall be taken away

that ye shall have no place in them;

for behold, the Lord will not grant unto you strength,

as he has hitherto done,

to withstand against your enemies.

Helaman 7:23

For behold, thus saith the Lord:

I will not show unto the wicked of my strength,

to one more than the other,

save it be unto those who repent of their sins, and hearken unto my words.

Now therefore, I would that ye should behold, my brethren,

that it shall be better for the Lamanites than for you except ye shall repent.

Helaman 7:26

Yea, wo shall come unto you because of that pride

which ye have suffered to enter your hearts,

which has lifted you up beyond that which is good

because of your exceedingly great riches!

Helaman 7:28

And except ye repent ye shall perish;

yea, even your lands shall be taken from you,

and ye shall be destroyed from off the face of the earth.

Helaman 7:29

Behold now, I do not say that these things shall be, of myself,

because it is not of myself that I know these things;

but behold, I know that these things are true

because the Lord God has made them known unto me,

therefore I testify that they shall be.

Helaman 8:5

Therefore they did cry unto the people, saying:

Why do you suffer this man to revile against us?

For behold he doth condemn all this people, even unto destruction;

yea, and also that these our great cities shall be taken from us,

that we shall have no place in them.

Helaman 8:8

Yea, behold, all the judgments will come upon us

which he has testified unto us;

for we know that he has testified aright unto us concerning our iniquities.

And behold they are many,

and he knoweth as well all things which shall befall us

as he knoweth of our iniquities;

Helaman 8:12

And now behold, if God gave unto this man such power,

then why should ye dispute among yourselves,

and say that he hath given unto me no power

whereby I may know concerning the judgments

that shall come upon you except ye repent?

Helaman 8:14

Yea, did he not bear record that the Son of God should come?

And as he lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness,

even so shall he be lifted up who should come.

Helaman 8:24

And now, seeing ye know these things

and cannot deny them except ye shall lie,

therefore in this ye have sinned,

for ye have rejected all these things,

notwithstanding so many evidences which ye have received;

yea, even ye have received all things,

both things in heaven, and all things which are in the earth,

as a witness that they are true.

Helaman 9:17

And now behold, we will detect this man,

and he shall confess his fault

and make known unto us the true murderer of this judge.

Helaman 9:21

But Nephi said unto them:

O ye fools, ye uncircumcised of heart,

ye blind, and ye stiffnecked people,

do ye know how long the Lord your God will suffer you

that ye shall go on in this your way of sin?

Helaman 9:22

O ye ought to begin to howl and mourn,

because of the great destruction

which at this time doth await you,

except ye shall repent.

Helaman 9:28

And behold, he shall say unto you, Nay.

Helaman 9:29

And ye shall say unto him:

Have ye murdered your brother?

Helaman 9:30

And he shall stand with fear, and wist not what to say.

And behold, he shall deny unto you;

and he shall make as if he were astonished;

nevertheless, he shall declare unto you that he is innocent.

Helaman 9:31

But behold, ye shall examine him,

and ye shall find blood upon the skirts of his cloak.

Helaman 9:32

And when ye have seen this, ye shall say:

From whence cometh this blood?

Do we not know that it is the blood of your brother?

Helaman 9:33

And then shall he tremble, and shall look pale,

even as if death had come upon him.

Helaman 9:34

And then shall ye say:

Because of this fear and this paleness which has come upon your face,

behold, we know that thou art guilty.

Helaman 9:35

And then shall greater fear come upon him;

and then shall he confess unto you,

and deny no more that he has done this murder.

Helaman 9:36

And then shall he say unto you,

that I, Nephi, know nothing concerning the matter

save it were given unto me by the power of God.

And then shall ye know that I am an honest man,

and that I am sent unto you from God.

Helaman 10:5

And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness,

behold, I will bless thee forever;

and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works;

yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word,

for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will.

Helaman 10:6

Behold, thou art Nephi, and I am God.

Behold, I declare it unto thee in the presence of mine angels,

that ye shall have power over this people,

and shall smite the earth with famine, and with pestilence, and destruction,

according to the wickedness of this people.

Helaman 10:7

Behold, I give unto you power,

that whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven;

and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven;

and thus shall ye have power among this people.

Helaman 10:8

And thus, if ye shall say unto this temple

it shall be rent in twain, it shall be done.

Helaman 10:9

And if ye shall say unto this mountain,

Be thou cast down and become smooth,

it shall be done.

Helaman 10:10

And behold, if ye shall say

that God shall smite this people,

it shall come to pass.

Helaman 10:11

And now behold, I command you,

that ye shall go and declare unto this people,

that thus saith the Lord God, who is the Almighty:

Except ye repent ye shall be smitten, even unto destruction.

Helaman 10:14

Therefore Nephi did declare unto them the word of the Lord, saying:

Except ye repent, thus saith the Lord, ye shall be smitten even unto destruction.