Unit 81


24 occurrences in 17 verses

3 Nephi 3:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 26,

3 Nephi 4:9, 14, 20, 28, 30, 33,

3 Nephi 5:3, 11, 17, 25

3 Nephi 3:3

And it seemeth a pity unto me, most noble Lachoneus,

that ye should be so foolish and vain as to suppose

that ye can stand against so many brave men who are at my command,

who do now at this time stand in their arms,

and do await with great anxiety for the word —

Go down upon the Nephites and destroy them.

3 Nephi 3:4

And I, knowing of their unconquerable spirit,

having proved them in the field of battle,

and knowing of their everlasting hatred towards you

because of the many wrongs which ye have done unto them,

therefore if they should come down against you

they would visit you with utter destruction.

3 Nephi 3:5

Therefore I have written this epistle,

sealing it with mine own hand,

feeling for your welfare,

because of your firmness in that which ye believe to be right,

and your noble spirit in the field of battle.

3 Nephi 3:6

Therefore I write unto you,

desiring that ye would yield up unto this my people,

your cities, your lands, and your possessions,

rather than that they should visit you with the sword

and that destruction should come upon you.

3 Nephi 3:7

Or in other words, yield yourselves up unto us, and unite with us

and become acquainted with our secret works, and become our brethren

that ye may be like unto us — not our slaves,

but our brethren and partners of all our substance.

3 Nephi 3:8

And behold, I swear unto you,

if ye will do this, with an oath, ye shall not be destroyed;

but if ye will not do this, I swear unto you with an oath,

that on the morrow month I will command

that my armies shall come down against you,

and they shall not stay their hand and shall spare not,

but shall slay you, and shall let fall the sword upon you

even until ye shall become extinct.

3 Nephi 3:26

And they were exceedingly sorrowful because of their enemies.

And Gidgiddoni did cause that they should make weapons of war of every kind,

and they should be strong with armor, and with shields, and with bucklers,

after the manner of his instruction.

3 Nephi 4:9

And it came to pass that when the armies of Giddianhi saw this

they began to shout with a loud voice, because of their joy,

for they had supposed that the Nephites had fallen with fear

because of the terror of their armies.

3 Nephi 4:14

And it came to pass that Giddianhi,

who had stood and fought with boldness,

was pursued as he fled;

and being weary because of his much fighting

he was overtaken and slain.

And thus was the end of Giddianhi the robber.

3 Nephi 4:20

And it came to pass that the wild game became scarce in the wilderness

insomuch that the robbers were about to perish with hunger.

3 Nephi 4:28

And their leader, Zemnarihah, was taken and hanged upon a tree,

yea, even upon the top thereof until he was dead.

And when they had hanged him until he was dead

they did fell the tree to the earth,

and did cry with a loud voice, saying:

3 Nephi 4:30

And they did rejoice and cry again with one voice, saying:

May the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,

protect this people in righteousness,

so long as they shall call on the name of their God for protection.

3 Nephi 4:33

And their hearts were swollen with joy,

unto the gushing out of many tears,

because of the great goodness of God

in delivering them out of the hands of their enemies;

and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility

that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction.

3 Nephi 5:3

Therefore they did forsake all their sins,

and their abominations, and their whoredoms,

and did serve God with all diligence day and night.

3 Nephi 5:11

And behold, I do make the record on plates

which I have made with mine own hands.

3 Nephi 5:17

And then I do make a record of the things

which I have seen with mine own eyes.

3 Nephi 5:25

And as he hath covenanted with all the house of Jacob,

even so shall the covenant

wherewith he hath covenanted with the house of Jacob

be fulfilled in his own due time,

unto the restoring all the house of Jacob unto the knowledge of the covenant

that he hath covenanted with them.