Unit 81
because of
21 occurrences in 17 verses
3 Nephi 3:2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 24, 26,
3 Nephi 4:7, 9, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 29, 33,
3 Nephi 5:2
3 Nephi 3:2
Lachoneus, most noble and chief governor of the land,
behold, I write this epistle unto you,
and do give unto you exceedingly great praise
because of your firmness, and also the firmness of your people,
in maintaining that which ye suppose to be your right and liberty;
yea, ye do stand well, as if ye were supported by the hand of a god,
in the defence of your liberty, and your property, and your country,
or that which ye do call so.
3 Nephi 3:4
And I, knowing of their unconquerable spirit,
having proved them in the field of battle,
and knowing of their everlasting hatred towards you
because of the many wrongs which ye have done unto them,
therefore if they should come down against you
they would visit you with utter destruction.
3 Nephi 3:5
Therefore I have written this epistle,
sealing it with mine own hand,
feeling for your welfare,
because of your firmness in that which ye believe to be right,
and your noble spirit in the field of battle.
3 Nephi 3:10
And I write this epistle unto you, Lachoneus,
and I hope that ye will deliver up your lands and your possessions,
without the shedding of blood,
that this my people may recover their rights and government,
who have dissented away from you because of your wickedness
in retaining from them their rights of government,
and except ye do this, I will avenge their wrongs.
I am Giddianhi.
3 Nephi 3:11
And now it came to pass when Lachoneus received this epistle
he was exceedingly astonished, because of the boldness of Giddianhi
demanding the possession of the land of the Nephites,
and also of threatening the people
and avenging the wrongs of those that had received no wrong,
save it were they had wronged themselves
by dissenting away unto those wicked and abominable robbers.
3 Nephi 3:24
And there were a great many thousand people who were called Nephites,
who did gather themselves together in this land.
Now Lachoneus did cause
that they should gather themselves together in the land southward,
because of the great curse which was upon the land northward.
3 Nephi 3:26
And they were exceedingly sorrowful because of their enemies.
And Gidgiddoni did cause that they should make weapons of war of every kind,
and they should be strong with armor, and with shields, and with bucklers,
after the manner of his instruction.
3 Nephi 4:7
And it came to pass that they did come up to battle;
and it was in the sixth month;
and behold, great and terrible was the day that they did come up to battle;
and they were girded about after the manner of robbers;
and they had a lamb-skin about their loins,
and they were dyed in blood,
and their heads were shorn,
and they had head-plates upon them;
and great and terrible was the appearance of the armies of Giddianhi,
because of their armor, and because of their being dyed in blood.
3 Nephi 4:9
And it came to pass that when the armies of Giddianhi saw this
they began to shout with a loud voice, because of their joy,
for they had supposed that the Nephites had fallen with fear
because of the terror of their armies.
3 Nephi 4:14
And it came to pass that Giddianhi,
who had stood and fought with boldness,
was pursued as he fled;
and being weary because of his much fighting
he was overtaken and slain.
And thus was the end of Giddianhi the robber.
3 Nephi 4:18
But behold, this was an advantage to the Nephites;
for it was impossible for the robbers to lay siege sufficiently long
to have any effect upon the Nephites,
because of their much provision which they had laid up in store,
3 Nephi 4:19
And because of the scantiness of provisions among the robbers;
for behold, they had nothing save it were meat for their subsistence,
which meat they did obtain in the wilderness;
3 Nephi 4:22
And thus it became the desire of the people of Zemnarihah
to withdraw from their design,
because of the great destruction which came upon them by night and by day.
3 Nephi 4:24
And now, Gidgiddoni being aware of their design,
and knowing of their weakness because of the want of food,
and the great slaughter which had been made among them,
therefore he did send out his armies in the night-time,
and did cut off the way of their retreat,
and did place his armies in the way of their retreat.
3 Nephi 4:29
May the Lord preserve his people in righteousness and in holiness of heart,
that they may cause to be felled to the earth all who shall seek to slay them
because of power and secret combinations,
even as this man hath been felled to the earth.
3 Nephi 4:33
And their hearts were swollen with joy,
unto the gushing out of many tears,
because of the great goodness of God
in delivering them out of the hands of their enemies;
and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility
that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction.
3 Nephi 5:2
And they knew that it must be expedient that Christ had come,
because of the many signs which had been given,
according to the words of the prophets;
and because of the things which had come to pass already
they knew that it must needs be that all things should come to pass
according to that which had been spoken.