Unit 83
21 occurrences in 16 verses
3 Nephi 8:3, 4, 23, 25,
3 Nephi 9:2, 9, 12,
3 Nephi 10:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 18
3 Nephi 8:3
And the people began to look with great earnestness for the sign
which had been given by the prophet Samuel, the Lamanite,
yea, for the time that there should be darkness
for the space of three days over the face of the land.
3 Nephi 8:4
And there began to be great doubtings and disputations among the people,
notwithstanding so many signs had been given.
3 Nephi 8:23
And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days
that there was no light seen;
and there was great mourning and howling and weeping
among all the people continually;
yea, great were the groanings of the people,
because of the darkness and the great destruction
which had come upon them.
3 Nephi 8:25
And in another place they were heard to cry and mourn, saying:
O that we had repented before this great and terrible day,
and had not killed and stoned the prophets, and cast them out;
then would our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children have been spared,
and not have been buried up in that great city Moronihah.
And thus were the howlings of the people great and terrible.
3 Nephi 9:2
Wo, wo, wo unto this people;
wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent;
for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice,
because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people;
and it is because of their iniquity and abominations that they are fallen!
3 Nephi 9:9
And behold, that great city Jacobugath,
which was inhabited by the people of king Jacob,
have I caused to be burned with fire
because of their sins and their wickedness,
which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth,
because of their secret murders and combinations;
for it was they that did destroy the peace of my people
and the government of the land;
therefore I did cause them to be burned,
to destroy them from before my face,
that the blood of the prophets and the saints
should not come up unto me any more against them.
3 Nephi 9:12
And many great destructions have I caused
to come upon this land, and upon this people,
because of their wickedness and their abominations.
3 Nephi 10:1
And now behold, it came to pass that
all the people of the land did hear these sayings, and did witness of it.
And after these sayings there was silence in the land for the space of many hours;
3 Nephi 10:2
For so great was the astonishment of the people
that they did cease lamenting and howling
for the loss of their kindred which had been slain;
therefore there was silence in all the land for the space of many hours.
3 Nephi 10:3
And it came to pass that
there came a voice again unto the people,
and all the people did hear, and did witness of it,
3 Nephi 10:4
O ye people of these great cities which have fallen,
who are descendants of Jacob,
yea, who are of the house of Israel,
how oft have I gathered you
as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,
and have nourished you.
3 Nephi 10:5
And again, how oft would I have gathered you
as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,
yea, O ye people of the house of Israel, who have fallen;
yea, O ye people of the house of Israel,
ye that dwell at Jerusalem, as ye that have fallen;
yea, how oft would I have gathered you
as a hen gathereth her chickens,
and ye would not.
3 Nephi 10:8
And now it came to pass that after the people had heard these words,
behold, they began to weep and howl again
because of the loss of their kindred and friends.
3 Nephi 10:10
And the earth did cleave together again, that it stood;
and the mourning, and the weeping, and the wailing
of the people who were spared alive did cease;
and their mourning was turned into joy,
and their lamentations into the praise and thanksgiving
unto the Lord Jesus Christ, their Redeemer.
3 Nephi 10:12
And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved,
and it was they who received the prophets and stoned them not;
and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared —
3 Nephi 10:18
And it came to pass that in the ending of the thirty and fourth year,
behold, I will show unto you that the people of Nephi who were spared,
and also those who had been called Lamanites, who had been spared,
did have great favors shown unto them,
and great blessings poured out upon their heads,
insomuch that soon after the ascension of Christ into heaven
he did truly manifest himself unto them —