All segment titles and their associated verse designations are derived from the section headings that appear in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Maxwell Institute Study Edition - edited by Grant Hardy and published by the BYU Maxwell Institute. Verses are organized into sense lines that are parallel to the verse texts in The Book of Mormon: the Earliest Text - as edited by Royal Skousen and published by Yale. Audio clips are derived from Book of Mormon chapter mp3 audio recordings provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the official Church website.

Unit 84

Segment 4 of 8 [#551]

Jesus Speaks to the Multitude

3 Nephi 12:1 - 3 Nephi 12:2

Duration: 1:12

contextual study / concordance

3 Nephi 12:1

And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words

unto Nephi, and to those who had been called,

(now the number of them who had been called,

and received power and authority to baptize, was twelve)

and behold, he stretched forth his hand unto the multitude,

and cried unto them, saying:

Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve

whom I have chosen from among you

to minister unto you, and to be your servants;

and unto them I have given power

that they may baptize you with water;

and after that ye are baptized with water,

behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost;

therefore blessed are ye if ye shall believe in me and be baptized,

after that ye have seen me and know that I am.

3 Nephi 12:2

And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words

because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me,

and that ye know that I am.

Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words,

and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized,

for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost,

and shall receive a remission of their sins.

The End of Unit 84 - Segment 4