Unit 84


14 occurrences in 12 verses

3 Nephi 11:3, 8, 28, 37, 38,

3 Nephi 12:48,

3 Nephi 13:2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16

3 Nephi 11:3

And it came to pass that while they were thus conversing one with another,

they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven;

and they cast their eyes round about,

for they understood not the voice which they heard;

and it was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice;

nevertheless, and notwithstanding it being a small voice

it did pierce them that did hear to the center,

insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake;

yea, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.

3 Nephi 11:8

And it came to pass, as they understood

they cast their eyes up again towards heaven;

and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven;

and he was clothed in a white robe;

and he came down and stood in the midst of them;

and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him,

and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another,

and wist not what it meant,

for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.

3 Nephi 11:28

And according as I have commanded you thus shall ye baptize.

And there shall be no disputations among you,

as there have hitherto been;

neither shall there be disputations among you

concerning the points of my doctrine,

as there have hitherto been.

3 Nephi 11:37

And again I say unto you,

ye must repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in my name,

or ye can in nowise receive these things.

3 Nephi 11:38

And again I say unto you,

ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child,

or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

3 Nephi 12:48

Therefore I would that ye should be perfect

even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.

3 Nephi 13:2

Therefore, when ye shall do your alms

do not sound a trumpet before you,

as will hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets,

that they may have glory of men.

Verily I say unto you,

they have their reward.

3 Nephi 13:5

And when thou prayest thou shalt not do as the hypocrites,

for they love to pray, standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets,

that they may be seen of men.

Verily I say unto you,

they have their reward.

3 Nephi 13:7

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen,

for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

3 Nephi 13:10

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

3 Nephi 13:11

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

3 Nephi 13:16

Moreover, when ye fast

be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance,

for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast.

Verily I say unto you,

they have their reward.