Unit 84
19 occurrences in 7 verses
3 Nephi 11:3, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 19
3 Nephi 11:3
And it came to pass that while they were thus conversing one with another,
they heard a voice as if it came out of heaven;
and they cast their eyes round about,
for they understood not the voice which they heard;
and it was not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice;
nevertheless, and notwithstanding it being a small voice
it did pierce them that did hear to the center,
insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake;
yea, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.
3 Nephi 11:5
And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it;
and their eyes were towards the sound thereof;
and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came.
3 Nephi 11:6
And behold, the third time they did understand the voice which they heard;
and it said unto them:
3 Nephi 11:15
And it came to pass that the multitude went forth,
and thrust their hands into his side,
and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet;
and this they did do, going forth one by one
until they had all gone forth,
and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands,
and did know of a surety
and did bear record, that it was he,
of whom it was written by the prophets,
that should come.
3 Nephi 11:16
And when they had all gone forth
and had witnessed for themselves,
they did cry out with one accord, saying:
3 Nephi 11:17
Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God!
And they did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and did worship him.
3 Nephi 11:19
And Nephi arose and went forth, and bowed himself before the Lord
and did kiss his feet.