Unit 95

land and

3 occurrences in 3 verses

Mormon 1:12,

Mormon 2:15,

Mormon 3:19

Mormon 1:12

And it came to pass that the Lamanites withdrew their design,

and there was peace settled in the land;

and peace did remain for the space of about four years,

that there was no bloodshed.

Mormon 2:15

And it came to pass that my sorrow did return unto me again,

and I saw that the day of grace was passed with them,

both temporally and spiritually;

for I saw thousands of them hewn down

in open rebellion against their God,

and heaped up as dung upon the face of the land.

And thus three hundred and forty and four years had passed away.

Mormon 3:19

And I write also unto the remnant of this people,

who shall also be judged by the twelve whom Jesus chose in this land;

and they shall be judged by the other twelve

whom Jesus chose in the land of Jerusalem.