Unit 15

in his

5 occurrences in 4 verses

2 Nephi 11:2, 5,

2 Nephi 12:3, 22

2 Nephi 11:2

And now I, Nephi, write more of the words of Isaiah,

for my soul delighteth in his words.

For I will liken his words unto my people,

and I will send them forth unto all my children,

for he verily saw my Redeemer, even as I have seen him.

2 Nephi 11:5

And also my soul delighteth in the covenants of the Lord

which he hath made to our fathers;

yea, my soul delighteth in his grace, and in his justice, and power, and mercy

in the great and eternal plan of deliverance from death.

2 Nephi 12:3

And many people shall go and say,

Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,

to the house of the God of Jacob;

and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths;

for out of Zion shall go forth the law,

and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

2 Nephi 12:22

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils;

for wherein is he to be accounted of?